3rd August – Holiday Snaps

Day 3 #100happydays

I finally got round to sorting out my holiday photos from Rome and Thailand which I have been meaning to do for a long while. Travelling is a real passion of mine, and it made me really want to go abroad again! Last summer I went out to Koh Tao in Thailand to work on a marine conservation program and in February Patrick and I spent 5 days in Rome. It was great to look back over these photo’s.

Common Myna, Koh Tao

Common Myna, Koh Tao

Chalok Baan Kao, Koh Tao

Chalok Baan Kao, Koh Tao



2nd August – Night Out

Day 2 #100happydays

I spent a lovely evening having a few drinks with my partner Patrick at one of the pubs local to us, the Frog and Parrot. It was definitely much needed after a week at work for me, and for Patrick who had been working on his Masters dissertation all day!

Enjoying a drink at the Frog and Parrot

Enjoying a drink at the Frog and Parrot

1st August – Chilies

Day 1 #100happydays

Finally managed to figure out how to blog (I think!) and so I am a day late in posting for day 1 of the 100 happy day challenge!

Yesterday the thing that made me most happy was noticing that our chili plant had finally started growing chilies! I bought the plant as a present for my partner when we moved in together last summer and was disappointed when it failed to flower and fruit. We moved into a new apartment in June and the chili plant has since been in a window that gets a great deal more sunshine and began to flower straight away. I’m not particularly great at remembering to water plants, so I was absolutely thrilled to see the first chili starting to grow! I’m looking forward to trying them soon 🙂

First fruit growing on our Bolivian rainbow chili plant!

First fruit growing on our Bolivian rainbow chili plant!

100 Happy Days

I decided a little while ago that I’d like to keep a note of things that make me happy day to day as a point of reflection during more stressful times. I am currently at a turning point in my life having just graduated from my Zoology degree and entered full time work as a Research Assistant at the same University. Whilst I am thoroughly enjoying entering the world of work, I have sometimes felt quite overwhelmed by the differences between being a student and working life.

A few of my friends are participating in the 100 happy days challenge, with the idea being to post a photo/ status/ tweet on social media daily with something that has made you happy during that day with the hashtag #100happydays (for more information on the original challenge see: www.100happydays.com). One change I’m finding post-degree is having much more time on my hands with evenings and weekends to myself, leaving plenty of time (in theory) to take part in the challenge.

I have decided to write about the challenge on this blog rather than on social media mainly so as not to spam uninterested followers/ Facebook friends with daily posts. I am also hoping that this blog will provide my with more opportunity to reflect on my experiences, notice the smaller moments in life that make me happy, and give me something to read back over in the future. Fingers crossed I can keep this up for 100 days!